George Aristy

The Tao of Programming

The master programmer moves fromprogram to program without fear.No change in management can harmhim. He will not be fired, evenif the project is cancelled.Whyis this? He is filled with Tao.The novi...

Java String.split() and the | (pipe) character

I came across this issue today and someone else already blogged about it: http://hoskinator.blogspot.com/2006/11/trouble-using-pipe-with-stringsplit.html. Some of the comments are really good!The p...

Vim Tip of the Day

Copying lines containing search hits (source):1.- Clear a register (eg ‘a’): qaq2.- Append all matching lines to that register: g/pattern/y A3.- Copy contents of register a to clipboard (register ‘...

Some Windows magic

Script to get number of lines in a file:REM %1 is the file name to be parsed, passed at command line<blockquote>@set count=0for /f %%a in (%1) do (@set /a count+=1)@echo %count%</blockquot...

Vim column mode

Today I found myself in the need of Vim’s column mode (using regex for what I wanted to do would have been hard).I googled real quick but the first few hits weren’t of much use/very clear and and s...